

  • 11:40am: White Wave - Individuals not in group
  • 12:00pm: Blue Wave - All Dearborn Wave
  • 12:20pm: Orange Wave
  • 12:40pm: Green Wave


Log 25 miles and then head to Dearborn to finish the last 1.2! After the kids complete the Kids' Martian Marathon in Dearborn they are awarded the same medal that the adult marathoners are receiving that day!


In 2025, children will be lining up at the Kids' Martian Marathon starting line to reward themselves for the training they committed to in the weeks prior to the race! School Running Clubs, lunch mileage clubs, soccer teams, boy/girl scout groups all train together to complete their miles! Don't belong to a group training club? NO PROBLEM! You can train with your family and sign up on your own!

Parents, teachers, youth group leaders, adult running clubs...please consider sharing your love of physical fitness with the youth of Michigan! No experience necessary! For as little as 30 minutes a week you could help guide kids in the right direction and help them stay motivated while they follow a training plan. Use one provided on the below, or make up your own!

If you are intersted in getting a group started...please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


You run 25 miles between now and April 12th! On April 12th you line up in front of thousands of people who will see you run the last 1.2 miles of your marathon adventure!

You will receive a finisher’s shirt, the same marathon finisher’s medal given to all! Start logging your miles today and we'll see you on Earth on April 12th!

T-Shirt Design Contest

A big hit for sure! Every year the Martian Kids' Marathon t-shirt is designed by a young earthling! Submissions are due by the end of February! More info coming soon.